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Open Records Request (CORA)

Open Records Requests

It shall be the policy of the Morgan County Quality Water District (District”) to make all public records available for public inspection at reasonable times in accordance with the Colorado Open Records Act  (“the Act”),  § 24-72-201, et seq., C.R.S.


The General Manager is the official custodian of all records which are centrally maintained by the District.  


Citizens may make informal requests to the official custodian for copies of public records.  The custodian will make reasonable efforts to fill such requests immediately, at most, within the time required by state statute (three days which can be extended by seven additional working days in extenuating circumstances per § 24-72-203(3)(b), C.R.S.).  Any extensive request and any request requiring research or redaction of records shall be made in writing to the official custodian maintaining such records. 


If the written request cannot be filled immediately, or if the records are otherwise not readily available at the time the request is made, the custodian will set a date and time for records inspection that is within three working days of the date on which the request was made.  Such period may be extended if extenuating circumstances exist (per § 24-72-203(3)(b), C.R.S.), but the total time, including the extension period, will not exceed ten working days from the date on which the request was made.


Reasonable charges shall be made for any copies requested. Such charges shall be reflective of the actual costs of reproduction. The reproduction fee shall not exceed twenty-five cents per standard page for a copy of a public record, or a fee not to exceed the actual cost of providing a copy, printout, or photograph of a public record in a format other than a standard page. The District may also include nominal charges for staff time in locating requested documents and in returning them to their proper location after reproduction. Cost may vary from department to department and shall be set by department heads, subject to approval by the General Manager. The General Manager shall have authority to waive fees and charges in particular instances when such a waiver is deemed appropriate in the public interest.


Some requests for public records will require more extensive work by District staff.  While the District has a clear obligation to provide public records and information, it cannot effectively serve as a research service for citizens without affecting its ability to provide normal and usual services.  Therefore, the District may charge for staff time spent to respond to extraordinary requests, including without limitation, searching voluminous files for specific information, manipulating data, and redacting documents to excise confidential information. 


The charge for research shall be $35/hour.  A time-log that describes the staff time spent responding to a request should be maintained for staff time in excess of one hour. 


Access to public records may be denied in accordance with the provisions of the Act.


How do I contact the CORA Records Custodian?

Email:CORA Records Custodian Kent Pflager

Phone:  970-867-3054

Physical Location:  175868 County Road 20, Fort Morgan, CO  80701


CORA Policy and Procedures.pdfCORA Request Resolution 2015-03.pdf