Temporary Outdoor Water Restrictions
You may have recently received a letter in the mail from us regarding Temporary Outdoor Water Restrictions. These restrictions do not impact the whole District, they are only in place for the Northwest corner of the District as indicated on the map at right.
Some of you may have seen the construction at the South Platte River at Goodrich. To ensure the continued safe and reliable delivery of water to all of our customers, we engaged a contractor to bore a new pipeline under the South Platte River near Goodrich. That boring is a large, complicated project that was scheduled to be completed in March. Due to unforeseen delays, the contractor anticipates completing the project in mid-July. Until the project is completed, the amount of water crossing the South Platte River will continue to be limited and may be insufficient to meet the expected demands this time of year as outdoor water uses ramp up.
We are asking for your assistance in our time of need. We are implementing outdoor watering restrictions beginning June 1, 2024. At this time, compliance is voluntary, and your help in limiting water use will hopefully avoid the need for stricter measures.
- If your address ends in an EVEN number, please do all of your outdoor watering on EVEN dates, refraining from watering on odd dates.
- If your address ends in an ODD number, please do all of your outdoor watering on ODD dates, refraining from outdoor watering on even dates.
We greatly appreciate your assistance with this. We will be updating this page periodically as information becomes available. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at (970) 867-3054 or through the form below.